Welcome to the Spiritual Spells web site of Coven Kyklos, a
Traditional Wiccan Coven.
We welcome all our sisters and
brothers who are fellow travelers here on Gaia, no matter what their
tradition or lineage. On this web site you will find information and knowledge to
help you begin on, or continue to walk, the magick path of balance and
The Goddess blessed our circle when She guided us
to the pagan-friendly people at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company.
where the proprietor and her students hand-craft
Ritual Oils and
Loose Powder Incenses
according to traditional American
Hoodoo and Conjure recipes of the South. These elder Conjure workers follow the
traditional Hoodoo path, but through their occult shop and their affiliate
Herb Magic herb shop site,
they also provide authentic spiritual supplies and ritual goods to people of many cultures and magickal lineages,
along with instructions on how to practice their own particular traditional
craft of magick. The folks at Lucky Mojo really do conduct their
business in an earth-friendly way and our affiliation with them has helped us provide
ourselves and you with beautiful and authentic spiritual supplies for use in pagan and craft-friendly magick.
Guided by the Goddess, Hoodoo has affected our circle
deeply and enriched our magicakal understanding, but we remain Goddess-centered and Wiccan in our
path, hence we have created Spiritual Spells as a teaching tool
that utilizes Lucky Mojo hand-made products according to
our own best practices.
This site is here solely to guide,
inform, and aid our fellow spiritual seekers, pagan companions, and our sisters and
brothers from other magickal traditions, as well as to encourage networking with
others in the ever growing Witchcraft community. What you read and learn here is freely offered
to all.

Who We Are
In 1993 Coven Kyklos was formed by
two of the original elders of our Coven over many late night
discussions, drinks, and diatribes. The Coven was started as an
alternative to what was then seen as a disturbing isolationist and
separatist spirit in the Pagan community. The word Kyklos had three
meanings to the Greeks: It meant a political cycle of governments in a
society, it meant the rise and fall of old ways and their transformation to new ways, and it also meant a cycle or
circle. Our Coven adopted this name because of the triune meaning and to
represent the new and fresh rising path our elders wished to start.
As an Eclectic branch
of the Craft of the Wise, Coven Kyklos does not seek Coven mates or
students on the internet. We prefer to join with and teach students in person.
We see the virtual world of the internet as one of the many stepping stones
that helps pass spell-casting and magickal information and companionship
across the Interwyrd to all people on Gaia.
Our Coven-mates and friends come from
many different magical paths and traditions and it is our goal to
embrace all paths and traditions without pre-judgment or appropriation.
We seek to apply what calls to us for our own growth and pathwalking
without change or reinterpretation of our sisters' and brothers' ways as
a sign of dignity, respect, and honor -- remembering that it is not we
alone who have been hunted, cast out and robbed from but that it is we -- together-- who can heal the Earth.
Let us all walk together in beauty.
We leave you now with a few thoughts
from one of the Elders of Coven Kyklos:

Being a Witch
I am a Witch. I am seen in many
forms, I am a young maid, a loving but firm mother, an old hag, an
Appalachian granny, a Hoodoo mama, a priestess of old Gods and
Goddesses, a battle sister for the earth, a coiling Shakti snake – I am
a Witch. My worship is communing with the Divine through Nature. I try
to grow vegetables and herbs in the earth so that I might use the
healing powers that exist within Nature to help myself and others.
I am a Witch. I perform my rituals in
Sacred places that I create or that already exist indoors and outdoors.
The four Watchtowers with the Elemental Powers and their Guardians are
forever with me to aid and guard me. I eternally stand in the Crossroads
between the Cosmos above, the Planet below, and the Spiritual within. I
am whole within the Universe.
I am a Witch. I journey in
meditations, rituals, and dreams. I use hallowed and consecrated tools
to aid me on my magickal journeys. These include cauldrons, crystals,
candles, incense, ritual oils, water, salt, soil, feathers, bells,
brooms, rattles, drums, wands, staffs, blades, mirrors, Tarot cards, and
Rune stones. My spirit travels throughout Time and Space; and I return
from my journeys with insight, knowledge, and power. I go between the three worlds
to heal, grow, and transform. Empathy, compassion, understanding, and
mercy are natural, not supernatural, and they are a part of my daily
I am a Witch. I follow the Seasons
and the Elements and the Circle of Life. I endeavor to keep all
parts of my Self healthy and balanced. I work to restore balance in my
environment and in Nature. I hear the anguish of Mother Earth, saddened
with the damage being done to Nature by humankind. I am alarmed by
pollution and destruction of the Air, the Earth, and the Waters. I am
dismayed by the Spiritual pollution of hatred, greed, bigotry,
intolerance, racism, addiction, violence ,and despair. I work and conjure
each and every day to restore balance, peace and harmony in the lives of
others and the Planet. I try my best to live each day in harmony with
others and with Nature.
I am a Witch.

Purchase any of the quality Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Products mentioned here:

Index Listing
Anointing Oils
Baths, Overview
Baths, Ritual
Baths, Types of
Being A Witch
Blessing for Pets
Condition Oils
Conjure Incense
Conjure Oils
Conjure Powders
Coven Kyklos
Essential Oil
Fragrance Oil
Free House Cleaning
Free Love Spells
Free Magic Spells
Free Magick Spells
Free Money Spells
Free Spells
Herbs & Roots, Hoodoo
Herbs & Roots, Overview
Herbs & Roots, Witchcraft
Hoodoo Incense
Hoodoo Oils
Hoodoo Powders
Incense, Conjure
Incense, Hoodoo
Incense, Overview
Incense, Pagan
Incense, Witchcraft
Lucky Mojo Bag Spells
Oil, Essential
Oil, Fragrance
Oils, Anointing
Oils, Condition
Oils, Conjure
Oils, Hoodoo
Oils, Overview
Oils, Ritual
Oils, Types of
Pagan Incense
Pagan Powders
Powders, Conjure
Powders, Hoodoo
Powders, How to Use
Powders, Overview
Powders, Pagan
Powders, Witchcraft
Prosperity Spells
Protection Spells
Ritual Baths
Ritual Oils
Sachet, How to Use
Sachet, Overview
Witch, Being A
Witchcraft, Herbs &
Witchcraft Incense
Witchcraft Powders