Sachet Powder Book Page
A seemingly more recent addition to
Witchcraft and Paganism is the use of sprinkling or blowing powders
often called sachet or bosom powders. Although these powders seem to be
a recent import, they really just combine both European and African
magical traditions and have been a part of the Hoodoo tradition
practiced by the old conjure workers for a very long time. Now these
Ritual Powders have started to find their place amongst the ritual tools
of Witches.
The oldest kinds of these Powders are
mixtures of natural mineral and herbal components taken directly from
Gaia. The best known of these really old time formulas are Sulfur,
Sugar, Anvil Dust, Salt, Black Pepper, Saltpeter, Red Pepper, and
Ancestor Dirt. In the beginning of the modern age it became popular to
start compounding these Powders with Talcum Powder so they could be used
as part of a woman’s dressing rituals. The richly scented Sachet Powders
gave a purifying scent to the ladies room, or herself, and often a
little Powder was dusted on the body every morning or sprinkled into
dresser drawers to help keep her clothes sweet smelling and fresh.
Sometimes these powders were, and are, worn in a small bosom bag to help
bring positive magickal influence for romance, finance, or a peaceful
home environment. A lot of rural practitioners will sprinkle Powders in
each of the four corners of a room or ritual space or on and at their
doors to help drive out darker works that may have been placed on them
or their space.
How to Use Spiritual and Ritual Sachet Powders
There are several different ways that
these kinds of Ritual Powders can be used and most of these methods come
down to us from various African and European – American folk magic
traditions. The simplest of these methods is the powdering of ourselves
or an amulet, candle, or ritual tool with a particular ritual Powder,
more complex methods can involve full magickal rituals, with the casting
of the circle, calling and invocation of the elements, the burning of
Ritual Incense, anointing with Ritual Oils and then the blowing of
Ritual Powders to affect particular circumstances, people or spirits.
However, in general Powders are use in one of a few basic ways,
Sprinkling, Blowing, Dressing items, Making Drawings, Wearing, or as
part of a larger ritual or magickal spell.
Sprinkling is done in a number of
ways. It can involve laying down powders while walking backwards,
placing small piles in the corners of rooms, making a line at the doors,
casting powders out over walkways, or even onto carpets to then be
vacuumed up.
Blowing is done normally by placing a
small amount of the powder into the palm of the hand, or onto a sheet of
paper and then blowing the Powders towards a person, place, direction,
or the Sacred Four Quarters.
Dressing items is often as simple as
sprinkling the powders over items (or lightly dusting the items with
sachet powders on a makeup brush) and then blowing or shaking off the
extra for collection and reuse later. This method can be used on almost
anything; ritual candles, paper money and coins, business cards, job
applications, mortgage papers, handkerchiefs, and especially love
Making Drawings with powders is done
in a number of ways; powders can be used to mark out the circle for
rituals, to make magickal patterns on the altar, or to mark out visually
the intentions of a spell. Although this can take a little artistry to
pull off it can be visually stunning and often well worth the extra
effort of getting it just right.
Wearing powders is as easy as using
normal Talc or other cosmetic powders and you can dress your body with
perfumed Ritual Powders or carry them in an old fashion bosom bag sachet
bag but you can also carry them along with other magickal items in a bag
in your pocket or even hidden in your shoe.
The following is a list of powders
and their properties that can be used in assistance of your magickal
Pagan and Witchcraft Powders and
Here are some of the oldest Powders
you might want to have amongst your ritual tools:
ABRAMELIN POWDER comes down from
an ancient Jewish formula specified by Abramelin the Mage from a
medieval grimoire called "The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin
the Mage". This powder, and its accompanying ritual oil, is highly
esteemed by those who follow more ceremonial magickal traditions and
is of great benefit to those who follow the course of ritual
SALT is a common household item
but it has a long history of use for Purification and Protection.
Some magicians particularly those from ceremonial traditions believe
it is better to use Kosher Salt and that it has more power to it.
SALTPETER is often mixed with two
other minerals to make a Sprinkling Powder. One very popular mixture
consists of a teaspoon of SALTPETER, a cup of SALT, and a tablespoon
of POWDERED BLUEING to help remove negative influences and for
Spiritual Cleaning.
SULPHUR POWDER is a naturally
occurring mineral dust and can be mixed with Salt and then sprinkled
or laid down to help clear and clean out an area of negative spell
WITCHES’ SALT, also known as
Black Salt, is a mixture of Salt and Charcoal, Salt and Iron
Pot Scrapings, Salt and Black Pepper, or Salt that has been dyed
black and is used to drive away evil, or to make an enemy leave you
Hoodoo Powders
and Conjure Sachet Powders
Here are some more modern Powders
which are really great to have on hand:
anything up you can not put down. How often have we been taught this
and how often do we find ourselves having to put down the negative
actions of others? Banishing Powder is a must! It helps remove
unwanted people or situations and is strong without being heavy
handed or destructive.
could we leave out a magickal Powder called Bewitching? Obviously we
can’t! Bewitching Powder is a lady’s best friend it adds just the
right blend of mystery, fascination, and sexual allure to love
spells. This is a great one to use during the full of the moon on
that certain partner.
To help you succeed and achieve recognition in school, career, or
your magical work there is no finer magical formula than the Crown
of Success family. This traditional Powder is tried and true and
helps crown you and uplift you in all endeavors that you might
is a Ritual Powder that is an invaluable tool amongst any set of
tools. Too often we allow fear to climb up on top of us and rob of
our intent and will and this powder helps increase one's personal
determination, courage, and bravery. Always good to have on hand
particularly when one must face darker, negative powers.
old fashion Sachet Powder helps to rapidly bring about a sexual
encounter or increase desire in marriage. It has a firm draw to it
and some might find it a little coercive but it works more with
Venus natural feminine allure and sometimes you just need a good
time, you know?
is a really great ritual and daily use Powder, it’s just the right
blend of soft attraction without being coercive and is very useful
in glamouring spell work and to help attract the visual admiration
of men. Use this one after a Ritual Bath, for an extra oomph use
this at the time of the full moon and she’ll help make the men howl.
very handy powder to have in your ritual arsenal to help calm
situations down and return a peaceful environment. It is a good
smelling powder that traditionally has a soothing, quieting scent
that helps invoke calmness, gentle thoughts, and tranquility.
SACHET POWDERS the seven sacred
planets (the five visible planets plus the Sun and Moon) relate to
the days of the week and also planetary hours within days and seven
sacred planets were associated with ancient Gods and Goddesses. The
use then of these planets and their hours has an ancient history in
Witchcraft and Paganism. These powders help invoke the powers and
characteristics of the individual planetary power. You can use these
powders to draw ritual symbols; dress ritual tools; dust on candles,
papers, letters, or your Book of Shadows; or wear them as
a personal scent to help convey the power of the deities represented
by the Planets. They may also be combined with Zodiacal Sachet
Powders when one is working an astrologically-based spell.
Sun Sachet
- Sun, Sol, Apollo; Sunday; ruler of Leo
Mercury Sachet
- Mercury, Hermes, Wotan; Wednesday; ruler of Gemini and Virgo
Venus Sachet
- Venus, Freya; Friday; ruler of Taurus and Libra
Terra Sachet
- Terra, Gaia, Earth; our mother
Moon Sachet
- Moon, Luna, Artemis; Monday; ruler of Cancer
Mars Sachet
- Mars, Twi; ruler of Aries; co-ruler of Scorpio
Jupiter Sachet
- Jupiter, Zeus, Thor; Thursday; ruler of Sagittarius; co-ruler
of Pisces
Saturn Sachet
- Saturn, Kronos; Saturday; ruler of Capricorn; co-ruler of
Uranus Sachet
- Urania; co-ruler of Aquarius
Neptune Sachet
- Neptune, Poseidon; co-ruler of Pisces
Pluto Sachet Powder
- Pluto, Hades; co-ruler of Scorpio
to the various signs of the zodiac and helps symbolize and invoke
the kind of activities and characteristics with which the various
signs of the zodiac are associated. You can use these powders to
draw ritual symbols, dress ritual tools, or wear them as a personal
scent to help strengthen weak astrological characteristics or to
help heighten strong astrological characteristics.
Aries Sachet Powder
- The Ram; March 21 - April 21; ruled by Mars; Element Fire.
Taurus Sachet Powder
- The Bull; April 21 - May 21; ruled by Venus; Element Earth.
Gemini Sachet Powder
- The Twins; May 21 - June 21; ruled by Mercury; Element Air.
Cancer Sachet Powder
- The Crab; June 21 - July 21; ruled by the Moon; Element Water.
Leo Sachet Powder
- The Lion; July 21 - August 21; ruled by the Sun; Element Fire.
Virgo Sachet Powder
- The Virgin; August 21 - September 21; ruled by Mercury; Element
Libra Sachet Powder
- The Balance; September 21 - October 21; ruled by Venus; Element
Scorpio Sachet
- The Scorpion; October 21 - November 21; ruled by Pluto and Mars;
Element Water.
Sagittarius Sachet
- The Archer; November 21 - December 21; ruled by Jupiter; Element
Capricorn Sachet
- The Seagoat; December 21 - January 21; ruled by Saturn; Element
Aquarius Sachet
- The Water Bearer; January 21 - February 21; ruled by Uranus and
Saturn; Element Air.
Pisces Sachet Powder
- The Fishes; February 21 - March 21; ruled by Neptune and Jupiter;
Element Water.
Purchase any of the quality Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Products mentioned here:
Index Listing
Anointing Oils
Baths, Overview
Baths, Ritual
Baths, Types of
Being A Witch
Blessing for Pets
Condition Oils
Conjure Incense
Conjure Oils
Conjure Powders
Coven Kyklos
Essential Oil
Fragrance Oil
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Free Love Spells
Free Magic Spells
Free Magick Spells
Free Money Spells
Free Spells
Herbs & Roots, Hoodoo
Herbs & Roots, Overview
Herbs & Roots, Witchcraft
Hoodoo Incense
Hoodoo Oils
Hoodoo Powders
Incense, Conjure
Incense, Hoodoo
Incense, Overview
Incense, Pagan
Incense, Witchcraft
Lucky Mojo Bag Spells
Oil, Essential
Oil, Fragrance
Oils, Anointing
Oils, Condition
Oils, Conjure
Oils, Hoodoo
Oils, Overview
Oils, Ritual
Oils, Types of
Pagan Incense
Pagan Powders
Powders, Conjure
Powders, Hoodoo
Powders, How to Use
Powders, Overview
Powders, Pagan
Powders, Witchcraft
Prosperity Spells
Protection Spells
Ritual Baths
Ritual Oils
Sachet, How to Use
Sachet, Overview
Witch, Being A
Witchcraft, Herbs &
Witchcraft Incense
Witchcraft Powders