Bath Book Page
Ritual Baths and Bathing are amongst
some of the most important, but far too often overlooked, parts of
Magickal work. Bathing can be not only a way to get physically clean but
can also be a spiritually cleansing and centering activity that grounds
us and prepares us for our ritual acts. Before stepping into a sacred
space, Witches should really take a spiritually cleansing Ritual Bath
and then either dress in ritual clothing or step naked into the sacred
space. Many other traditions also hold that a Ritual Bath can help end
difficult, unfavorable, or even cursed situations and can help clear
chakras and magical blockages. Conjure folk in Hoodoo also will use
Magickal Bath Crystals not only for the cleansing of their bodies but
also to help cleanse their homes and workspaces.
Ritual purification is common among
many magickal traditions and the act of bathing can become a ritual in
itself. Ritual Baths are associated with the element of Water and help
cleanse us and restore our balance and harmony with the natural world
before we set out to use our will and intent in our rites, rituals, and
ceremonies. Ritual Baths can also incorporate the use of candles, herbs,
incenses, oils and, of course, Bath Crystals.

Types of Baths
Ritual Baths combine elements of
African, Native American, and European magickal, religious, and ritual
traditions as well as the plant and herbal lore of original peoples. In
general Ritual Baths come in two forms Herbal Baths and Mineral Baths
(Bath Crystals). The first Ritual Baths and Cleansings used pure water,
water from fresh running river sources, or the ocean, and salt,
minerals, herbs, roots, and bark.
Herbal baths are often used to aid
against sickness and such bathes are found across the world and in
nearly all magickal traditions. These sorts of Ritual Baths are made up
or herbs, flowers, roots, bark and other plant parts and occasionally
have essential oils added to them as well. This is really one of the
great unifying acts between us all and gives testament to our
interconnectedness as people living on Gaia and using the gift of her
sacred waters.
Mineral Baths and Bath Crystals have
an old history as well but have really grown in prominence over the last
two to three hundred years along with the manufacture of modern bathing
and cleaning supplies. These sorts of Ritual Baths generally consist of
minerals such as Epsom salts, salt, alum, and other naturally occurring
Finally we come to the use of Bath
Crystals not for Ritual Bathing but for cleansing the home and ritual
space. This tradition comes down to us from the old time conjure workers
in hoodoo and here we find the use of Bath and Floor Wash Crystals to
help magickally remove, clear away, or draw in specific circumstances.
Using these techniques we need not simply cleanse an area physically but
can also by the use of our intent and specific Floor Washes, alter and
produce more exact magickal situations in that area. This way we can
help broken hearts, bring peace to a home, cast off ill intents of
others, change or draw luck and money to ourselves, and so much more.
Thus we get to enjoy the magickal benefits and have wonderfully clean
and ready homes and ritual spaces.

Ritual Baths
The following is a list of Ritual
Bath products and their properties that can be used in assistance of
your magickal work.
This bath is used to help strengthen one’s mind, will and intent.
help you succeed and achieve recognition in school, career, or your
magical work there is no finer magical formula than the Crown of
Success family. These traditional Bath Crystals are tried and true
and help crown you and uplift you in all endeavors that you might
CRYSTALS This fine bath can be used not only for cleansing and
protection work on yourself but also your home and ritual spaces.
This old time bath is a blend of seven luck-bringing scents and
helps increase favorable conditions for you and others by calling
upon the Seven Luck Gods of Japan.
blend of nine traditional herbs used to draw love, romance, and
sexual warmth.
sacred planets (the five visible planets plus the Sun and Moon)
relate to the days of the week and also planetary hours within days
and seven sacred planets were associated with ancient Gods and
Goddesses. The use then of these planets and their hours has an
ancient history in Witchcraft and Paganism. These baths help invoke
the powers and characteristics of the individual planetary power.
They may also be combined with Zodiacal Baths when one is working an
astrologically-based spell.
Sun Bath Crystal - Sun, Sol, Apollo;
Sunday; ruler of Leo
Mercury Bath Crystal - Mercury, Hermes, Wotan; Wednesday; ruler of Gemini and Virgo
Venus Bath Crystal - Venus, Freya; Friday;
ruler of Taurus and Libra
Terra Bath Crystal - Terra, Gaia, Earth;
our mother
Moon Bath Crystal - Moon, Luna, Artemis;
Monday; ruler of Cancer
Mars Bath Crystal - Mars, Twi; ruler of
Aries; co-ruler of Scorpio
Jupiter Bath Crystal - Jupiter, Zeus,
Thor; Thursday; ruler of Sagittarius; co-ruler of Pisces
Saturn Bath Crystal - Saturn, Kronos;
Saturday; ruler of Capricorn; co-ruler of Aquarius
Uranus Bath Crystal - Urania; co-ruler of
Neptune Bath Crystal - Neptune, Poseidon;
co-ruler of Pisces
Pluto Bath Crystal
- Pluto, Hades; co-ruler of Scorpio
simply had to be listed. This old time bath contains a blend of
thirteen powerful herbs used to kill curses laid upon an individual
and to remove negative spell work.
various signs of the zodiac and help symbolize and invoke the kind
of activities and characteristics with which the various signs of
the zodiac are associated. You can use these baths to help
strengthen weak astrological characteristics or to help heighten
strong astrological characteristics.
Aries Bath Crystal
- The Ram; March 21 - April 21; ruled by Mars; Element Fire.
Taurus Bath Crystal
- The Bull; April 21 - May 21; ruled by Venus; Element Earth.
Gemini Bath Crystal
- The Twins; May 21 - June 21; ruled by Mercury; Element Air.
Cancer Bath Crystal
- The Crab; June 21 - July 21; ruled by the Moon; Element Water.
Leo Bath Crystal
- The Lion; July 21 - August 21; ruled by the Sun; Element Fire.
Virgo Bath Crystal
- The Virgin; August 21 - September 21; ruled by Mercury; Element
Libra Bath Crystal
- The Balance; September 21 - October 21; ruled by Venus; Element
Scorpio Bath Crystal
- The Scorpion; October 21 - November 21; ruled by Pluto and Mars;
Element Water.
Sagittarius Bath Crystal
- The Archer; November 21 - December 21; ruled by Jupiter; Element
Capricorn Bath Crystal
- The Seagoat; December 21 - January 21; ruled by Saturn; Element
Aquarius Bath Crystal
- The Water Bearer; January 21 - February 21; ruled by Uranus and
Saturn; Element Air.
Pisces Bath Crystal
- The Fishes; February 21 - March 21; ruled by Neptune and Jupiter;
Element Water.

Purchase any of the quality Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Products mentioned here:

Index Listing
Anointing Oils
Baths, Overview
Baths, Ritual
Baths, Types of
Being A Witch
Blessing for Pets
Condition Oils
Conjure Incense
Conjure Oils
Conjure Powders
Coven Kyklos
Essential Oil
Fragrance Oil
Free House Cleaning
Free Love Spells
Free Magic Spells
Free Magick Spells
Free Money Spells
Free Spells
Herbs & Roots, Hoodoo
Herbs & Roots, Overview
Herbs & Roots, Witchcraft
Hoodoo Incense
Hoodoo Oils
Hoodoo Powders
Incense, Conjure
Incense, Hoodoo
Incense, Overview
Incense, Pagan
Incense, Witchcraft
Lucky Mojo Bag Spells
Oil, Essential
Oil, Fragrance
Oils, Anointing
Oils, Condition
Oils, Conjure
Oils, Hoodoo
Oils, Overview
Oils, Ritual
Oils, Types of
Pagan Incense
Pagan Powders
Powders, Conjure
Powders, Hoodoo
Powders, How to Use
Powders, Overview
Powders, Pagan
Powders, Witchcraft
Prosperity Spells
Protection Spells
Ritual Baths
Ritual Oils
Sachet, How to Use
Sachet, Overview
Witch, Being A
Witchcraft, Herbs &
Witchcraft Incense
Witchcraft Powders