Spiritual Oils, whether they be
hand-crafted herbal oils, ritual oils, condition oils, aromatherapy oils, or
just pretty-smelling essential oils, are one of the largest and most
varied of the ceremonial tools used in Witchcraft and Paganism. They
come in all sorts of flavors, colors, and kinds and it can often seem a
daunting task to know which oil to pick and how to use it in casting a spell.
Witchcraft and Paganism is full of
ceremonies, rituals and events celebrating times of change on the wheel
of the year, changes in our lives, as well as specific working rituals.
These rites and rituals more than often use specific items and tools
such as candles,
magical herbs,
spiritual incense, and, of course,
oils. All of these
types of tools possess symbolic aspects that enhance the event or the
desired results sought in the magical spell or ritual ceremony. Spiritual Oils are
associated with the hidden fifth element of Spirit and help us reach out
into the unseen ether and summon from it the forces we wish to
communicate with or use in our rites and rituals.

Types of Oils
There are several basic kinds of oils
that you might encounter in Witchcraft; theses include ritual oils,
condition oils, aromatherapy oils, essential oils and handcrafted oils.
Our ancestors used oils in their rituals and ceremonies hundreds, even
thousands, of years ago and because many of the essential oils they used
are still available to us we can continue to make our own blends and
recreate traditional recipes today.
Ritual Oils is the general name for
oils used to anoint candles, ritual tools, material, furniture, money,
and other such items, and when use to anoint the body are often also called
Anointing Oils.
Condition Oils is a term found only
in Hoodoo and Conjure practice; it refers to all anointing and dressing
oils that are utilized in rites, rituals, or spell-craft to address or
remediate an unwanted condition or to bring about a desired condition.
Because these oils were developed by practitioners of the African
American folk magic path, which is called Conjure or Hoodoo,
they are also known as Conjure Oils, Hoodoo
Oils, and Lucky oils.
Aromatherapy Oils are oils used in a
healing art whose roots lay in antiquity. This practice traces back more
than 6,000 years to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and
probably Chinese who used to burn scented flowers and herbs and enjoy
aromatic bath, massage and skin care for curative and cosmetic purposes.
Essential Oils are volatile, concentrated oils,
usually having the characteristic odor or flavor of the plant from which
they are obtained, and are primarily used to make perfumes, flavorings,
and accentuate ritual and spiritual oil blends.
Synthetic Fragrance Oils are compounds created
in a laboratory that smell a lot -- or a little-- like the natural flowers or
herbs after which they have been named. A lot of companies
today offer Synthetic Oils rather than Essential Oils because Synthetic Oils can be
obtained at a fraction of the cost of Essential Oils. But, for magickal
purposes it's always best to use real Essential Oils whenever possible, as these contain
the magickal properties of the plant from which they are distilled,
which the synthetic oils do not.
Oils and Herbal Oils are blends made up for specific ritual or
magickal purposes. They are not made in a factory, but are indivisually
prepared with the addition of
magical herbs, roots, flowers
and other natural ingredients to a simple oil base and then ritually
charged with intent. Ritual Oils and Condition Oils may be considered
to be "handcrafted herbal oils" only
if they contain actual herbal ingredients and have been made by hand and consecrated
according to the tenets of Witchcraft tradition or Hoodoo practice.
Carrier Oils are various oils, both
vegetable and mineral, that are used to help dilute Essential Oils
that might cause severe irritation
or reaction to some people if applied to the skin undiluted. Carrier Oils help dilute and thus stretch
out the volume of Essential oils used in Ritual Oils and Condition Oils.
A number of different oils have been,
and are, used as Carrier Oils.
Olive Oil has an ancient history
of being used as a Carrier Oil and is often seen used in oils meant to
help in blessing and anointing.
Mineral Oil traditionally has
been used for blending Hoodoo Condition Oils in which one or more
ingredients are minerals, such as Lodestone Oil. If
the oil is focused upon the energies of mineral curios such as
sulphur, lodestone, or pyrite, then a mineral-oil carrier amplifies, rather
then subdues the energies of those minerals
Almond Oil became a popular
Carrier oil due to its lighter scent and texture over the heavier
Olive Oil. Almond Oil, unlike Olive Oil, does not dominate the natural
fragrance of the herbs and Essential Oils that are blended in
the handcrafting process.

The Witches' Cupboard:
Ritual Wiccan and Eclectic Pagan Oils
Spiritual Oils can be used in a vast
number of ways. Your oils can be one of the most important tools in your
ritual space. Candles, crystals, amulets, talismans and other charms may
be anointed with Spiritual Oils and this is really a great way to turn
simple mundane items into items of magickal power and energy as well as
charge already magickally empowered ritual tools.
Ritual Witchcraft Oils can also be
used to anoint the body. If you
are using an Oil to use for this purpose, be sure that the oil is skin
safe. Some essential oils, such as cinnamon and clove, can cause a
severe reaction to the skin and should really be used quite sparingly.
Spiritual Oils that are applied to the body bring the wearer the
energies of the oil, so a Power Oil will give you give you a boost up, a
Courage Oil will give you strength and bravery in the face of your fears
and adversaries, and a Blessing Oil will convey the grace of the Goddess upon
yourself and your ventures.
The following is a list of Ritual
Oils used by Pagans and Witches, Their properties that can be used in assistance of your
magickal work.
ABRAMELIN OIL This sacred oil comes down from an
ancient Jewish formula specified by Abramelin the Mage from a
medieval grimoire called “The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin
the Mage”. This oil and its accompanying ritual powder are both
highly esteemed by those who follow more ceremonial magickal
traditions, and it is of great benefit to those who follow the
course of ritual activities.
BLESSING OIL This magickal oil
can be used to bless new babies, new ventures, new homes, and for
healing. Amplified with sincere prayer, will and intent it can also
be used to help purify you or your home, to relieve suffering, or
bring about spiritual healing.
PLANETARY OILS The seven sacred
planets (the five visible planets plus the Sun and Moon) relate to
the days of the week and also planetary hours within days and seven
sacred planets were associated with ancient Gods and Goddesses. The
use then of these planets and their hours has an ancient history in
Witchcraft and Paganism. These oils help invoke the powers and
characteristics of the individual planetary power. You can use these
oils to anoint candles, or wear them as personal scent to help
convey the power of the deities represented by the Planets. They may
also be combined with Zodiacal Oils when one is working an
astrologically-based spell.
Sun Oil
- Sun, Sol, Apollo; Sunday; ruler of Leo
Mercury Oil
- Mercury, Hermes, Wotan; Wednesday; ruler of Gemini and Virgo
Venus Oil
- Venus, Freya; Friday; ruler of Taurus and Libra
Terra Oil
- Terra, Gaia, Earth; our mother
Moon Oil
- Moon, Luna, Artemis; Monday; ruler of Cancer
Mars Oil
- Mars, Twi; ruler of Aries; co-ruler of Scorpio
Jupiter Oil
- Jupiter, Zeus, Thor; Thursday; ruler of Sagittarius; co-ruler
of Pisces
Saturn Oil
- Saturn, Kronos; Saturday; ruler of Capricorn; co-ruler of
Uranus Oil
- Urania; co-ruler of Aquarius
Neptune Oil
- Neptune, Poseidon; co-ruler of Pisces
Pluto Oil
- Pluto, Hades; co-ruler of Scorpio
ZODIACAL OILS relate to the
various signs of the zodiac and help symbolize and invoke the kind
of activities and characteristics with which the various signs of
the zodiac are associated. You can use these oils to anoint candles,
or wear them with Planetary Oils as a personal scent to help
strengthen weak astrological characteristics or to help heighten
strong astrological characteristics.
Aries Oil
- The Ram; March 21 - April 21; ruled by Mars; Element Fire.
Taurus Oil
- The Bull; April 21 - May 21; ruled by Venus; Element Earth.
Gemini Oil
- The Twins; May 21 - June 21; ruled by Mercury; Element Air.
Cancer Oil
- The Crab; June 21 - July 21; ruled by the Moon; Element Water.
Leo Oil
- The Lion; July 21 - August 21; ruled by the Sun; Element Fire.
Virgo Oil
- The Virgin; August 21 - September 21; ruled by Mercury; Element
Libra Oil
- The Balance; September 21 - October 21; ruled by Venus; Element
Scorpio Oil
- The Scorpion; October 21 - November 21; ruled by Pluto and Mars;
Element Water.
Sagittarius Oil
- The Archer; November 21 - December 21; ruled by Jupiter; Element
Capricorn Oil
- The Seagoat; December 21 - January 21; ruled by Saturn; Element
Aquarius Oil
- The Water Bearer; January 21 - February 21; ruled by Uranus and
Saturn; Element Air.
Pisces Oil
- The Fishes; February 21 - March 21; ruled by Neptune and Jupiter;
Element Water.

The Conjure Bag: Hoodoo Condition Oils and Anointing Oils
Next we present some of the traditional herb-based blends
that are used in the preparation of Hoodoo and Rootwork spells.
CAST OFF EVIL OIL This oil helps
you rid yourself, your loved ones, and your home and spaces from the
negative influences of false friends, and also helps you gain the
personal strength to break free of bad personal habits, negative
circumstances and harmful influences.
succeed and achieve recognition in school, career, or your magical
work, there is no finer magical formula than the Crown of Success
family. This traditional Oil is tried and true and helps crown you
and uplift you in all endeavors that you might undertake.
HEALING OIL This is really a very
fine oil to help aid in the relief of sickness, sorrow, and to help
mend ongoing physical and emotional problems.
MASTER KEY OIL For ritual work
intended to help grant or empower aptitude in a skill, personal
discipline, will, or authority. This oil also helps one guide others
and succeed with professions activities both magickal and mundane.
MONEY DRAWING OIL This is a very
old, traditional Hoodoo Oil that has been used for ages. It is
renowned amongst financiers, gamblers, shop owners, and common
working folk for its ability to draw money to you through business
and games of chance.
BLACK CAT OIL In European and
European-American traditions black cats are considered unlucky.
However in Hoodoo the black cat is a symbol of luck and strength
helping in the sporting and gambling world. This old time,
traditional Hoodoo oil is very popular with gamblers and people who
play games of chance but it also is used to reverse bad luck and its
vibrations work well for Witches and our general works.
FAST LUCK OIL This is one of the
more famous Hoodoo formulas; it is used to draw luck in gambling,
love, and commerce. But, above all that its great claim to fame is
its speed. This is an oil to use when you need a magickal response
in these areas in a hurry.
SPECIAL OIL NO. 20 A famous
and very strong old Hoodoo formula, this is an all purpose Condition Oil used
for dressing candles. It is also known as Wick Oil, Candle Oil,
and Brown Oil. No seems to known the origin of the name of this oil
anymore, but some of the old conjure workers say that it may have
come from a Southern root-workers' recipe book, being the Doctor's
20th and most powerful formula.
VAN VAN OIL Perhaps the
quintessential Hoodoo Oil. Conjure workers and historians tell that
at one time in history a person could not walk down a street in the
Algiers district of new orleans without smelling the scent of Van Van oil. Van Van
is most favored of oils for dressing amulets, charms and mojo bags.
It helps clear away negativity, changes bad luck to good and acts as
a road opener to new opportunities and circumstances.

The Eclectic Shelf: Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils
Finally, here are some Essential Oils and Fragrance
oils that can be used "straight" by diluting in Carrier Oil, but not blending with other scents.
oil is best used for magickal workings relating to
Psychicism, Astral Travel, and related Clairvoyant works.
oil is best used for magickal workings relating to love
and health work.
oil is best used for magickal workings relating to
workings involving spirits and love; it is used to invoke the
Moon and the Element of Water.
oil is best used for magickal workings relating to money,
and protection work, but it can also be used with great effectiveness
for love and passion works.
oil is best used for magickal workings relating to gaining mastery
and control through natural talent and charisma.

Purchase any of the quality Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Products mentioned here:

Index Listing
Anointing Oils
Baths, Overview
Baths, Ritual
Baths, Types of
Being A Witch
Blessing for Pets
Condition Oils
Conjure Incense
Conjure Oils
Conjure Powders
Coven Kyklos
Essential Oil
Fragrance Oil
Free House Cleaning
Free Love Spells
Free Magic Spells
Free Magick Spells
Free Money Spells
Free Spells
Herbs & Roots, Hoodoo
Herbs & Roots, Overview
Herbs & Roots, Witchcraft
Hoodoo Incense
Hoodoo Oils
Hoodoo Powders
Incense, Conjure
Incense, Hoodoo
Incense, Overview
Incense, Pagan
Incense, Witchcraft
Lucky Mojo Bag Spells
Oil, Essential
Oil, Fragrance
Oils, Anointing
Oils, Condition
Oils, Conjure
Oils, Hoodoo
Oils, Overview
Oils, Ritual
Oils, Types of
Pagan Incense
Pagan Powders
Powders, Conjure
Powders, Hoodoo
Powders, How to Use
Powders, Overview
Powders, Pagan
Powders, Witchcraft
Prosperity Spells
Protection Spells
Ritual Baths
Ritual Oils
Sachet, How to Use
Sachet, Overview
Witch, Being A
Witchcraft, Herbs &
Witchcraft Incense
Witchcraft Powders